From our heart we thank you for supporting Great Joy Worship Center
as we endeavor to meet the needs of the whole man, spirit, soul and body.
Your contribution is tax deductible. Keep your email notification as proof-of-donation.
You can make a secure donation on- line by using most major credit card or Pay pal.
Your information is secure and confidential with us.
Thank You!
as we endeavor to meet the needs of the whole man, spirit, soul and body.
Your contribution is tax deductible. Keep your email notification as proof-of-donation.
You can make a secure donation on- line by using most major credit card or Pay pal.
Your information is secure and confidential with us.
Thank You!
Our donations are processed via PayPal, however you do not need a PayPal account to Tithe or make a contribution.
Just make a selection as a first time donor or a returning donor and then select the option to pay with any major credit card or debit card. Be Blessed
Just make a selection as a first time donor or a returning donor and then select the option to pay with any major credit card or debit card. Be Blessed
for first time donors
First time donors, thank you for coming. We ask that you complete the form below and click the First Time Donation button. You will be taken to our donation page.
For Returning donorsIf you have visited this page in the past, we thank you for coming back! Please click the RETURNING DONOR button below to make your donation or submit your tithe